Mary: At first glance
Well I have been in Mary for over a week now, and I have so much to tell all of you that it seems hard to put down into words. However, I will tell you all briefly what I have been up to.
First things first, I have a new mailing address for letters. The new address is as follows:
Mary Welayat
Mary City, 745400
Mailbox 24
Central Post Office
Peace Corps Volunteer
Schirm, Chris
So what I have I been up to....
Well lets start with New Years Eve. I spent it meeting and eating. I met all of the extended host family, their relatives, wives, children and friends. In true Russian/Turkmen style I had to take some shots of vodka with everyone. Needless to say when i come back, I will certainly buy everyone a round of shots. At midnight all of the kids in our apartment complex let off their homemade fireworks, which sound more like mini bombs than anything else. I sat watching them go off from our second floow window and found myself thinking that last year at this time, their was no way I possibly could have know that I would get to see this. After midnight my host father and I, made a 2:30 am wine run because this is the one holiday that the Turkmen really let their hair down so to speak.
Work is already piling up on my desk. I have started two clubs already Journalism and Acting. i am amazed at the desire and intuitiveness of my students. They grasped very quickly that in my clubs we will laugh, listen, and think of things in a completely different light. For my journalism club I took a page out of my old high school journalism teacher, Mr Mahn's handbook. I aksed them what they thought was the most important question that a reporter needs to ask. All of them said when, where, and what. I promptly told them that they were all wrong and that the most important question to ask is WHY? How else can you find out about the world around you. They nodded in agreement.
I have two more clubs coming up baseball, which seems to be exciting for everyone and then debate club. I need to prepare them for a tournament in March. talk to you all soon.
First things first, I have a new mailing address for letters. The new address is as follows:
Mary Welayat
Mary City, 745400
Mailbox 24
Central Post Office
Peace Corps Volunteer
Schirm, Chris
So what I have I been up to....
Well lets start with New Years Eve. I spent it meeting and eating. I met all of the extended host family, their relatives, wives, children and friends. In true Russian/Turkmen style I had to take some shots of vodka with everyone. Needless to say when i come back, I will certainly buy everyone a round of shots. At midnight all of the kids in our apartment complex let off their homemade fireworks, which sound more like mini bombs than anything else. I sat watching them go off from our second floow window and found myself thinking that last year at this time, their was no way I possibly could have know that I would get to see this. After midnight my host father and I, made a 2:30 am wine run because this is the one holiday that the Turkmen really let their hair down so to speak.
Work is already piling up on my desk. I have started two clubs already Journalism and Acting. i am amazed at the desire and intuitiveness of my students. They grasped very quickly that in my clubs we will laugh, listen, and think of things in a completely different light. For my journalism club I took a page out of my old high school journalism teacher, Mr Mahn's handbook. I aksed them what they thought was the most important question that a reporter needs to ask. All of them said when, where, and what. I promptly told them that they were all wrong and that the most important question to ask is WHY? How else can you find out about the world around you. They nodded in agreement.
I have two more clubs coming up baseball, which seems to be exciting for everyone and then debate club. I need to prepare them for a tournament in March. talk to you all soon.