The last day of comfort

Today is my last day in Arizona. Amidst the preparations for my departure I came upon a quote from Ben Franklin that summarizes nicely what I am feeling at the present moment. In the middle of his life Franklin went to England as an ambassador for the Pennsylvania colony, he stayed for four years and on the eve of his departure back to America he wrote this:
"I am now waiting here only for a wind to waft me to America, but
cannot leave this happy island and my friends in it without extreme
regret, though I am going to a country and a people that I love. I
am going from the Old West to the new, and I fancy I feel like those
who are leaving this world for the next: grief at the parting, fear
of the passage, hope for the future."
It seems to me that there is nothing easy about taking an adventure into your own personal unknown, there are many things that the mind can dwell upon when it has time to wander. The difficulty that I have struggled with is not trying to control the unknown be it in worrying about my own dissapointment with how much I have prepared or not being able to say a proper good-bye to everyone that has made an imprint on my life. I am now at a point of nervous satisfaction in the waiting. There is nothing really that I can do to possibly prepare myself for what I am about to experience, however I can sleep soundly knowing that I always have people around me or a letter away that will help me out in times of need.
This may be the last posting that I can make while in the states, if that is the case I hope to see all of you soon and hear from you as often as you can. I thank you all for supporting me in this adventure and I can't wait to tell you all about it.
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